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The Obesity Medicine Association Blog is the leading industry hub for obesity medicine. Find the latest research, expert insights, and practical tips to tackle the multifaceted disease of obesity. Hear from OMA Outreach Committee members, OMA Board members, and more to gain a deeper understanding of the complex factors influencing obesity and explore innovative approaches to prevention, treatment, and long-term management. Join a community of healthcare professionals, researchers, and individuals passionate about combating obesity.

Image of a woman with a child in her lap wearing headphones. Both are painting at a table in front of them, smiling at the artwork.

Pediatric Obesity Research Update | Autism Spectrum Disorder and Obesity in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Each month, the OMA Pediatric Committee reviews a pediatric-focused obesity research update to help keep you up to date about the latest findings. This month’s update addresses Autism…

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Image of the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, at sunset with a teal overlay and the Overcoming Obesity 2023 logo at the top center of the image. Below the logo is the text: Top 5 Reasons to Attend. Below that is Oct 25-29, San Antonio, TX, up to 30 CME/CE

Top 5 Reasons to Attend Overcoming Obesity 2023 

We are just over two months away from Overcoming Obesity 2023. This one-of-a-kind conference, happening Oct 25-29 in San Antonio, TX is the perfect opportunity…

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Image of San Antonio, Texas skyline with a teal overlay and the Overcoming Obesity 2023 conference logo at the top center. Below the logo is the text: schedule announced. Below that is the text: Oct 25-29, San Antonio, TX, up to 30 CME/CE

Overcoming Obesity 2023 – Schedule Announcement  

The agenda for Overcoming Obesity 2023 is now available to view! The Overcoming Obesity 2023 conference in San Antonio, TX, Oct 25-29 is the perfect…

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Image of a doctor sitting with a patient on a medical table, looking over paperwork with the patient

What is the Gold Standard for determining Body Fat?

This question really depends on what we mean by the gold standard. The “gold standard” refers to a benchmark, criterion, or method that is widely…

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FCON23 Featured Speaker Announcement Blog Image

Overcoming Obesity 2023 Featured Speaker Announced

Join OMA this October 25-29 in San Antonio, TX for Overcoming Obesity 2023. This conference is the perfect opportunity to network with fellow obesity medicine…

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Image of a doctor speaking with a patient over a table with a patient with only their hands in the frame. The doctor is wearing a white coat with a stethoscope and a clipboard on the table.

The OBSERVE Study: Healthcare Provider Perceptions of Obesity and Obesity Treatment – Quantitative Results

Sponsored by Eli Lilly and Company While there are many groups that have a stake in how obesity care is approached, healthcare providers (HCPs) and…

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Image of a doctors hands writing on a notepad and pointing at a computer

What Is Obesity?

Obesity is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as “abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health.” The disease of obesity affects more than one-third of U.S. adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC uses body mass index (BMI), or a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of their height in meters, to measure obesity. Individuals with a BMI of 30 or higher are considered to have obesity. While BMI can be used as an initial tool to screen for obesity, it does have limitations. The WHO recognizes these limitations, stating that BMI is only “a crude population measure of obesity.”

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OMA Member Highlight graphic image: half orange, half gray with a headshot of Dr.Jerome Puryear. To the left of the image is the text: OMA Member Highlight, Jerome Puryear Jr. MD, DABOM with the OMA logo in the bottom right corner

August OMA Member Highlight

Jerome Puryear, Jr., MD, DABOM, became an OMA member in 2019 and has made a great impact in his time here. He is an active…

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young girl with black hair from the side profile looking up with the image of a brain abstractly drawn over her head

Pediatric Obesity Research Update | Neuromusculoskeletal Health in Pediatric Obesity: Incorporating Evidence into Clinical Examination.

Each month, the OMA Pediatric Committee reviews a pediatric-focused obesity research update to help keep you up to date about the latest findings. This month’s update addresses Neuromusculoskeletal…

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