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Welcome to the OMA Blog

The Obesity Medicine Association Blog is the leading industry hub for obesity medicine. Find the latest research, expert insights, and practical tips to tackle the multifaceted disease of obesity. Hear from OMA Outreach Committee members, OMA Board members, and more to gain a deeper understanding of the complex factors influencing obesity and explore innovative approaches to prevention, treatment, and long-term management. Join a community of healthcare professionals, researchers, and individuals passionate about combating obesity.

image of a desk with a computer, a stethoscope, an iPad with data and charts displayed and graph papers

How Much Does Obesity Cost the U.S? 

As obesity is a continuing issue in the U.S., it affects millions of individuals across all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. Beyond its impact on physical…

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close-up image of the side of a woman's hip. She has two hands holding the side of her hip

Obesity and Gynecological Cancer 

We know that obesity is a significant risk factor for and contributor to increased sickness and death from heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, liver and kidney disease, sleep…

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Image of 2 injectable diabetes medications with a tape measure rolled up next to it with the caps of the medications next to that

Anti-Obesity Medications: A Story of Hope and Resilience

Over the last few years, research and development of Anti-Obesity Medications (AOMs) has blossomed. For the first time ever, many patients are able to lose…

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Obesity and life expectancy

Obesity and Life Expectancy Trends in the U.S.

This article explores the relationship between obesity and declining life expectancy in the U.S.

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Obesity and heart disease

Obesity and Heart Disease: Risks, Treatments, and Outcomes

Obesity and heart disease share a complicated relationship, and some of the same drugs may have effects on both obesity and cardiovascular health.

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Image of a woman's hands at a grocery store or farmers market holding a reusable shopping bag

The Influence of Food Insecurity on Obesity: A Call to Action

Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) are defined as “the conditions in the environment where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship and age that…

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Close up image of a man from the neck to the waist in a gray t-shirt, with both of his hands on his heart

Exploring Medications for Preventative Cardiology: Treating Cardiovascular Health in Patients with Obesity  

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, and the medical community has endlessly worked to advance our knowledge of prevention, diagnosis, and timely…

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Close-up image of a hand with a pen hovering over a prescription pad with a stethoscope in the background

The OBSERVE Study: Insights into Anti-Obesity Medication Perceptions and Barriers

Sponsored by Eli Lilly and Company Since the American Medical Association officially recognized obesity as a disease in 2013, we have seen significant progress in…

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doctor sitting with a patient on a hospital bed comforting her

Does Class III Obesity Qualify as a Disability? 

As societies confront the complexities of obesity, questions about the classification of obesity as a disability have come to the forefront. Disability, traditionally understood as…

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Showing 37-45 of 106 results

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