Welcome to the OMA Blog
The Obesity Medicine Association Blog is the leading industry hub for obesity medicine. Find the latest research, expert insights, and practical tips to tackle the multifaceted disease of obesity. Hear from OMA Outreach Committee members, OMA Board members, and more to gain a deeper understanding of the complex factors influencing obesity and explore innovative approaches to prevention, treatment, and long-term management. Join a community of healthcare professionals, researchers, and individuals passionate about combating obesity.
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Veterans Affected by Obesity
Obesity affects members who served in the US Military (US veterans) at a higher rate than the general population. Military enlists are a pre-selected group…
Vegetarian and Vegan Dietary Patterns
November 4, 2021 Varalakshmi Niranjan, MD, MBA, Dip ABOM Introduction A large variety of dietary patterns exist throughout the world. Over the years, vegetarian and…
Semaglutide for Treatment of Obesity
We now have a “Miracle Pen”! A pre-filled pen that is loaded with a brand new addition to the armamentarium of medicines to aid in…
Low Carb Approach for Diabetes
Over the past few years, there has been a lot of interest in carbohydrate restriction or so called ‘low carbohydrate’ (or ‘low carb’) strategies for…
HIIT for Weight Loss and Obesity – Have we Found the Answer?
The Department of Health and Human Services and the American College of Sports Medicine recommend 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity exercise or 75…
4 Metabolic Phenotypes to Aid in Weight Loss
Influencers say they know. Family and friends say they know somebody who knows. Everyone claims to have an answer for weight loss these days, but…
Risk Factors for Childhood Obesity
Childhood Risk Factors That May Predict Obesity Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. In the US,…
How Screen Time Can Impact Sleep & Childhood Weight Gain
How screen time may impact sleep quality and juvenile weight gain Smart phones, TVs, computers have very much become an integral part of our lives.…
Weight Can Wait: STOP Obesity Alliance Releases New Obesity Treatment Guide
The U.S. adult obesity rate has surpassed 40%. To help address this important issue, the STOP Obesity Alliance has released a new obesity treatment guide. “Weight…