Welcome to the OMA Blog
The Obesity Medicine Association Blog is the leading industry hub for obesity medicine. Find the latest research, expert insights, and practical tips to tackle the multifaceted disease of obesity. Hear from OMA Outreach Committee members, OMA Board members, and more to gain a deeper understanding of the complex factors influencing obesity and explore innovative approaches to prevention, treatment, and long-term management. Join a community of healthcare professionals, researchers, and individuals passionate about combating obesity.
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Where Do We Go From Here: Impact of Racism & Racial Disparities on Obesity Rates in African Americans & Clinical Implications
The past few years were filled with many emotions as we adjusted to living through the COVID-19 pandemic. In the US we were also forced…

Understanding Pre-obesity and Overweight in the LGBTQ+ Community
LGBTQ, which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning, as the acronym suggests, is a large minority group in the United States that also…

Veterans Affected by Obesity
Obesity affects members who served in the US Military (US veterans) at a higher rate than the general population. Military enlists are a pre-selected group…

Semaglutide for Treatment of Obesity
We now have a “Miracle Pen”! A pre-filled pen that is loaded with a brand new addition to the armamentarium of medicines to aid in…

Weight Can Wait: STOP Obesity Alliance Releases New Obesity Treatment Guide
The U.S. adult obesity rate has surpassed 40%. To help address this important issue, the STOP Obesity Alliance has released a new obesity treatment guide. “Weight…

Evolutionary Biology of Obesity: NotByChoice™
Obesity is a public health crisis of pandemic proportions. The pervasive stigmatization of individuals affected by obesity undermines obesity intervention efforts. Obesity bias and discrimination…

Frequently Asked Questions about Sleep, Stress, and Obesity
1. What is considered adequate sleep for adults? According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine adults ages 18-60 should receive 7 or more hours…

Obesity Medicine Association Announces Major Updates to its Pediatric Obesity Algorithm
Updates help clinicians address chronic disease of obesity, identified as the most common cause of prevalent patient conditions DENVER, Colo., Oct. 20, 2020 —The Obesity…

Genetic Testing: Uncovering the Underlying Cause of Severe Obesity
Recent advances in genetic research have helped broaden the understanding of genetic factors that can lead to early-onset, severe obesity and an insatiable hunger called…