Welcome to the OMA Blog
The Obesity Medicine Association Blog is the leading industry hub for obesity medicine. Find the latest research, expert insights, and practical tips to tackle the multifaceted disease of obesity. Hear from OMA Outreach Committee members, OMA Board members, and more to gain a deeper understanding of the complex factors influencing obesity and explore innovative approaches to prevention, treatment, and long-term management. Join a community of healthcare professionals, researchers, and individuals passionate about combating obesity.
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Obesity Management for People with Desk Jobs
The Problem Obesity has been a long-fought battle in the United States. In 2020, the CDC estimated an obesity prevalence of 41.9% (1). This prevalence…

Obesity and Anxiety Disorder: Which One Comes First?
There is a well-known relationship between obesity and psychiatric illness that is quite complex. We know that over half of those with mental health disorders…

Achieving Balance as Remote Work Environments Continue
The COVID19 pandemic has shone a spotlight on obesity as a major public health issue for two particular reasons. First, obesity is one of the…

How Screen Time Can Impact Sleep & Childhood Weight Gain
How screen time may impact sleep quality and juvenile weight gain Smart phones, TVs, computers have very much become an integral part of our lives.…

Frequently Asked Questions about Sleep, Stress, and Obesity
1. What is considered adequate sleep for adults? According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine adults ages 18-60 should receive 7 or more hours…

Eating Healthy During the Holidays
Most studies have suggested that the average American gained about 5 pounds from Thanksgiving Day to New Year’s Day. In fact, most people expect to…

Weight Bias, the Psychological Impact of Obesity, and Helpful Resources
Patients with overweight or obesity face several adverse physiological effects due to weight. Two of the most prevalent effects are weight bias and negative body…

Mindful Eating and Treating Obesity
In recent years, the word “mindfulness” has gained popularity in both media and scientific literature. Many of us have heard it in contexts such as:…

Long-term Weight Loss and Weight Management
The concept of weight loss has typically been seen as a short-term plan and solution. Until recently, many people believed in a short-term modification of…
Showing 10-18 of 18 results