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Obesity: A Disease

Official Podcast of the OMA

Obesity: A Disease is the official OMA podcast exploring the many facets of the disease of obesity. Episodes provide valuable insights into this growing problem and better equip clinicians to understand and engage in treating this disease.

Clinical Conversations

In these short podcast episodes, experts in the field of obesity medicine share their expertise on current topics relevant to the understanding and treatment of the disease of obesity, as well as how obesity effects other related comorbidities.

Article Reviews

Guests in these episodes unpack and review current research articles in the field of obesity in a convenient and quickly digestible format.

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Find Obesity: A Disease on your preferred podcast platform. The OMA podcast episodes are great for hearing from industry experts in obesity medicine on current topics and staying up to date on obesity research in a high level, easily accessible format.

Podcast Episodes


Episode 58: Article Reviews: Obesity Definition, Diagnosis, Bias, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and Telehealth; Part 1 of 3: Bias

This episode is a segment focusing on weight bias Bias from OMA Chief Science Officer, Harold Bays, MD, FOMA, FTOS, FACC, FNLA, FASPC interview with Angela K. Fitch MD, FACP, FOMA on the article: Obesity definition, diagnosis, bias, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and telehealth: An Obesity Medicine Association (OMA) Clinical Practice Statement (CPS) 2022 on which Dr. Fitch was first author. In our article review podcasts, we have carefully selected recent articles included in the latest version of the Obesity Pillars, which is the official Gold Open Access online-only journal of the Obesity Medicine Association and is devoted to the publication of clinical and evidence-based research for physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other health care clinicians in the field of obesity that can be found at We then discuss this new science with obesity experts. To access other resources from the clinical leader in Obesity Medicine, visit: This segment focuses on the concept of obesity bias, defining "what obesity bias is" and the impact it can have on obesity patients. Episode Guests Harold Bays, MD, FOMA, FTOS, FACC, FNLA, FASPC Angela K. Fitch MD, FACP, FOMA Resources Mentioned Obesity Pillars Obesity definition, diagnosis, bias, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and telehealth: An Obesity Medicine Association (OMA) Clinical Practice Statement (CPS) 2022
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Episode 57: Article Reviews: Obesity Definition, Diagnosis, Bias, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and Telehealth; Full Podcast

In this episode, OMA Chief Science Officer, Harold Bays, MD, FOMA, FTOS, FACC, FNLA, FASPC interviews Angela K. Fitch MD, FACP, FOMA on the article: Obesity definition, diagnosis, bias, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and telehealth: An Obesity Medicine Association (OMA) Clinical Practice Statement (CPS) 2022 on which Dr. Fitch was first author. In our article review podcasts, we have carefully selected recent articles included in the latest version of the Obesity Pillars, which is the official Gold Open Access online-only journal of the Obesity Medicine Association and is devoted to the publication of clinical and evidence-based research for physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other health care clinicians in the field of obesity that can be found at We then discuss this new science with obesity experts. To access other resources from the clinical leader in Obesity Medicine, visit: "The article looks at defining obesity, and an overview of the current state of obesity treatment for both clinicians and patients." Episode Guests Harold Bays, MD, FOMA, FTOS, FACC, FNLA, FASPC Angela K. Fitch MD, FACP, FOMA Resources Mentioned Obesity Pillars Obesity definition, diagnosis, bias, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and telehealth: An Obesity Medicine Association (OMA) Clinical Practice Statement (CPS) 2022
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Episode 55: Pediatric Podcast: Vitamin D Deficiency in Children

In this episode, Dr. Suzanne Cuda, President and Medical Director for Alamo City Healthy Kids and Families interviews guest speaker Dr. Sara Karjoo about the effects of vitamin D deficiency in children and the increased risks to children experiencing obesity. Our guest is a Pediatric Gastroenterologist with Pediatric Gastroenterology of Florida LLC and serves as an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Florida State University School of Medicine, and the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine. Dr. Karjoo is a graduate of Upstate Medical University. She completed her pediatric residency at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh and later, her gastroenterology fellowship at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Dr. Karjoo is board certified in pediatrics, pediatric gastroenterology, and obesity medicine. Her professional affiliations include the OMA Pediatric Committee; Speaker’s Bureau Committee; Algorithm Committee; North American Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition Committee; and the Panel of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Speakers.  You can access more information about Obesity Medicine podcasts and other resources from the clinical leader in Obesity Medicine at Episode Guests Suzanne Cuda MD, FOMA, FAAP, Board Certified in Obesity Medicine Sara Karjoo, MD Resources Mentioned
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Episode 54: Clinical Conversations: Improving Health and Function in the Older Patient with Obesity

In this episode, Obesity medicine specialist and OMA clinical education director Dr. Nicholas Pennings interviews Dr. John Batsis, highlighted speaker from the Overcoming Obesity 2021 Conference, the evaluation and treatment of obesity in the geriatric population. Topics covered include the assessment of health risks of obesity in the the elderly population, the impact of obesity on cognitive function, and effects of weight loss on muscle mass and bone density. You can access more information about Obesity Medicine podcasts and other resources from the clinical leader in Obesity Medicine at Episode Guests Nicholas Pennings, DO, FOMA, Dipl. ABOM John Batsis, MD, FACP, ASGF, FGSA, FTOS Resources Mentioned Related Resources
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Episode 53: Clinical Conversations: The "Evidence-based" vs. "Internet-based" Keto Diet

In this episode, obesity medicine specialist and OMA clinical education director Dr. Nicholas Pennings interviews Dr. Eric Westman, highlighted speaker from the Overcoming Obesity 2021 Conference, about updates on keto diet clinical research and a survey of "internet keto" diet users. Topics covered include impacts of episodic low-carb eating, common mistakes when following low carb programs, the role of supplements in the ketogenic diet, and intermittent fasting. You can access more information about Obesity Medicine podcasts and other resources from the clinical leader in Obesity Medicine at Episode Guests Nicholas Pennings, DO, FOMA, Dipl. ABOM Eric Westman, MD
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Episode 52: Clinical Conversations: STEP, The First of Many Steps Toward the Future of Obesity Pharmacotherapy

In this episode, obesity medicine specialist and OMA clinical education director Dr. Nicholas Pennings interviews Dr. Robert Kushner, highlighted speaker from the Overcoming Obesity 2021 Conference, about The Semaglutide Treatment Effect in People with Obesity (STEP) Trials. Topics covered include the results of the four STEP trails, obstacles to treating obesity, new obesity treatments in the pipeline, and the opportunities for increasing obesity education for future clinicians. You can access more information about Obesity Medicine podcasts and other resources from the clinical leader in Obesity Medicine at Episode Guest Nicholas Pennings, DO, FOMA, Dipl. ABOM Robert Kushner, MD Resources Mentioned 2021 Fall Obesity Summit
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Episode 51: Clinical Conversations: Better Together: Exploring Combination Therapies for Obesity Management

In this episode, obesity medicine specialist and OMA clinical education director Dr. Nicholas Pennings interviews Dr. Angela Fitch, highlighted speaker from the Overcoming Obesity 2021 Conference, about identifying and selecting obesity treatment strategies from the wide variety of options currently available to manage patients with obesity. Topics covered include matching patient characteristics to treatment plans, shared decision-making, maintaining a 4-pillar approach to obesity treatment, and the role of obesity medications in the management of bariatric surgery patients. You can access more information about Obesity Medicine podcasts and other resources from the clinical leader in Obesity Medicine at Episode Guests Nicholas Pennings, DO, FOMA, Dipl. ABOM Angela Fitch, MD, ABOM Related Resources Fall 2021 Obesity Summit CME Lectures Fall 2021 Obesity Summit Non-CME Lectures
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Episode 50: Clinical Conversations: A Hot Mess: Obesity, Inflammation, and CVD Systems Thinking

In this episode, Obesity medicine specialist and OMA clinical education director, Dr. Nicholas Pennings interviews Dr. Lance Simkins, highlighted speaker from Obesity Medicine 2021 – Virtual, about obesity, inflammation and cardiovascular disease. Topics covered include, how obesity promotes inflammation in the body and in turn contributes to heart disease, the role epicardial fat plays in both atherosclerosis and heart failure, and how obesity contributes to the risk of developing thrombotic events like acute myocardial infarction or stroke. You can access more information about Obesity Medicine podcasts and other resources from the clinical leader in Obesity Medicine at Episode Guests Nicholas Pennings, DO, FOMA, Dipl. ABOM Laance Simkins, MD, FACC Resources Mentioned A Hot Mess: Obesity, Inflammation, and CVD Systems Thinking
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Episode 49: Clinical Conversations: Primary Care Management of Patients Following Bariatric Surgery

In this episode, Obesity medicine specialist and OMA clinical education director, Dr. Nicholas Pennings interviews Dr. Catherine Varney, highlighted speaker from Obesity Medicine 2021 – Virtual, about primary care management of patients following bariatric surgery. Topics covered include reasons patients do not follow up with bariatric surgeons, what primary care providers need to think about when possibly deprescribing medications following major weight loss, and the role primary care can play in the future long-term management of patients who have had bariatric surgery. You can access more information about Obesity Medicine podcasts and other resources from the clinical leader in Obesity Medicine at Episode Guests Nicholas Pennings, DO, FOMA, Dipl. ABOM Catherine Varney, DO, Dipl. ABOM Resources Mentioned Primary Care Management of Patients in Post Bariatric Surgery
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Episode 48: Clinical Conversations: Precision Therapy for Obesity

In this episode, Obesity medicine specialist and OMA clinical education director, Dr. Nicholas Pennings interviews Dr. Andres Acosta, highlighted speakers from Obesity Medicine 2021 – Virtual, about precision therapy for obesity. Topics covered include, the four different obesity phenotypes, how these phenotypes evolve, how providers can better identify specific phenotypes and tailor their treatment, and the role precision medicine may play in future patient care for obesity. You can access more information about Obesity Medicine podcasts and other resources from the clinical leader in Obesity Medicine at Guest Speakers Nicholas Pennings, DO, FOMA, Dipl. ABOM Andres Acosta, MD, PhD Resources Mentioned Precision Medicine for Treating Obesity
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