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Obesity Medicine Conference 2025

Call for Late-Breaking Abstracts

National Harbor, MD | April 23-27

Present new and significant research results that were not available by the general abstract submission deadline. They are intended to highlight novel and practice-changing studies that could not be presented otherwise.

Submit an abstract by February 28, 2025.

Key Deadlines

February 28, 2025 @ 11:59 PM EST: Late-Breaking Abstract Submission Deadline.

March, 2025: Presenter Notification if Late-Breaking Abstract is Selected (proposal submission does not guarantee selection).

April 24-26, 2025: At least one author from the accepted abstracts is required to attend the OMA Annual Conference.

The Obesity Medicine Association (OMA) will be accepting late-breaking abstract proposals starting January 13 for Obesity Medicine 2025, the OMA annual conference, to be held April 23-27, 2025, in National Harbor, Maryland. Late-breaking abstracts are abstracts that present new and significant research results that were not available by the general abstract submission deadline. They are intended to highlight novel and practice-changing studies that could not be presented otherwise. Our primary target audience includes obesity medicine clinicians, whether they specialize exclusively in obesity medicine or integrate these treatments into their broader practice. This conference aims to deepen the attendee's foundational knowledge, enhancing their skills and understanding of obesity medicine. We invite submissions covering both adult and pediatric obesity topics and encourage submissions with practical applications. The Obesity Medicine Association welcomes abstracts previously presented at other scientific meetings (i.e., “encore” posters). The goal is to disseminate the latest research and best practices in obesity medicine to a wider audience and foster collaboration and networking among obesity medicine professionals. Our in-person poster hall offers you the opportunity to showcase your research on a national stage and interact with industry leaders and colleagues. Submit your abstract today!

You may submit up to 3 abstracts. The following will be required when submitting your abstract:

  • Author and co-author information (For abstracts with more than 10 authors, a complete list (name, credentials, organization, bio) may be included)
  • The OMA pillar under which your abstract fits (Nutrition Therapy, Medical Interventions, Behavioral Modification, Physical Activity, Other)
  • Abstract details (title, introduction, methods, results, conclusion - limited to 2400 characters per submission, each main section limited to 600 characters)
  • If and where the abstract was previously presented (within 10 months of the 2025 OMA annual conference)
  • Funding sources
  • Disclosures or any potential conflicts of interest
  • Abstract submission fee ($75 for OMA members, $125 for non-members; fee is per submission)

Submit Your Abstract by February 28, 2025