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August 2, 2024

OMA Member Story: Caissa Troutman

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Growing up as the youngest of three children to high school teachers, Dr. Caissa Troutman was immersed in the importance of education from an early age. With a curiosity and a love for learning, Dr. Troutman was naturally drawn to medicine. "I think that was why I gravitated towards medicine," she reflects. "It was learning to understand how things worked—the puzzle of the human body."

Dr. Troutman’s path to becoming a physician was partly influenced by her family dynamics and cultural background. Raised in a Southeast Asian Filipino household, she quips, "You either become a lawyer or a physician. My sister took the lawyer route, so an MD was the only choice left!" However, her calling was truly sparked by a personal tragedy. Dr. Troutman lost her father in her formative young adulthood years in college due to complications following a kidney transplant in the 90s. The experience of being in the hospital and attending her dad’s appointments left an impression on her, ultimately guiding her towards a career in medicine.

Dr. Troutman’s commitment to healthcare started with a desire to help herself in her journey with obesity. “I have lived with obesity my entire life. I know the hopes and frustrations, and I know the self-disbelief and internal stigma that repetitive failures generate." It was through her journey with weight loss and regain that she discovered the importance of evidence-based approaches and the Four Pillars of Obesity Medicine. "It was when I decided to use science and follow the Four Pillars (and not willpower) that I was able to ‘lose weight for the last time’," she shares.

Dr. Troutman’s decision to specialize in obesity medicine came easily to her. Feeling burned out from primary care, she was interviewing for a new position and was vocal about her desire to dedicate one day a week to obesity care. As fate would have it, she found an opening in an obesity medicine practice.

Dr. Troutman discovered the Obesity Medicine Association (OMA) while searching for answers on her journey. Mentioned in a Facebook group for physicians, OMA quickly became a resource for her. She joined to learn everything she could about obesity and how to treat and manage it effectively. "I felt there was so much to learn, and I wanted real answers based on science," she says.

Becoming a member of OMA opened a world of knowledge and networking opportunities for Dr. Troutman. "Being a member helped me expand my knowledge. Having the Obesity Algorithm for free, and having access to free CME was invaluable," she states. Her first in-person conference in Atlanta was particularly impactful. "I got to meet amazing doctors who were very helpful and open about their own stories."

The conferences have been the most beneficial OMA resource for Dr. Troutman. The in-person experiences allowed her to connect with like-minded professionals and learn from leading experts in the field. "Nothing beats an in-person experience," she emphasizes.

Pursuing obesity medicine has transformed Dr. Troutman’s career. She has found her niche and her passion. "This is my path. I can envision myself practicing this medicine until I retire. I never had that before. I love what I do. I love impacting my patients’ lives for the better."

For Dr. Troutman, obesity medicine is crucial due to the overwhelming amount of misinformation in the healthcare industry. "There are so many myths and fads and unhealthy ways to lose weight," she explains. "A plan for weight loss and health gains based on evidence-based science is so important." Her goal is to present patients with a sustainable plan to help them lose weight and keep it off.

To those considering a career in obesity medicine, Dr. Troutman offers heartfelt advice: "Learn the science but speak from the heart. Patients who struggle with obesity have faced both external and internal stigma their entire lives. The first thing they will look for is not the science or the facts that you know, what they are looking for is a partner. Be that partner. Believe in them and their ability to change. Believe in them before they believe in themselves."

Dr. Troutman's journey from a curious student to a dedicated obesity medicine specialist is a testament to the power of empathy, and the pursuit of knowledge. Through her work, she continues to inspire and make a lasting impact on her patients' lives.

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