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November 1, 2023

November OMA Member Highlight

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Molly Lupo, DNP

Why did you decide to become an OMA member?

I first started my private practice, and I really wanted to focus on lifestyle interventions alone for weight loss, and overall health. While these are great, I found patient after patient frustrated with lack of progress, motivation to keep going, and it really just increased their stress levels. I decided to start learning about Anti-Obesity Medications, and thought I'd give them a try for patients. A month later at their follow-up visits they'd come back, and tell me how much weight they'd lost, how hunger was less intense so in turn they were able to sleep, and since they were sleeping better, exercise adherence improved. They were such game changers! I had been lurking for a few months around OMAs website and other support groups, and knew I wanted to be part of the organization, so it was a no brainer to join!

What types of relationships/networking opportunities have you found through OMA?

So many! The people here are so kind, and always willing to help! I love learning from others who have been doing this much longer than me, and love to help others just getting started. And, it feels like an ongoing learning process - there's always something new to learn and to help patient's apply to practice in real life!

What member benefit have you found the most useful or have you engaged with the most?

I love the webinars to learn and to expand my knowledge about different angles and avenues to treat!

Will you be able to attend an OMA conference in 2023? If so, what are you most looking forward to? If not, what have you found most valuable from previous conferences?

I have a new baby at home [well, she's 6 months now] but she joined three other siblings so while I may not make it to the 2023 conference, I am hoping to make it to the 2024 conference, for sure!

How would you describe your committee experience?

The committee experience is something where you feel endless support, help, and gain so many different perspectives!

What would you tell someone just starting out in obesity medicine?

It changes people's lives. Push yourself to learn, grow, and ask the questions! Don't be afraid to ask your fellow peers questions, or to troubleshoot a case. These are salt of the earth people!