Media Requests
OMA members are medical obesity experts who use a comprehensive, individualized, clinical approach to obesity treatment. Contact the OMA to set up an interview with one of our clinical obesity experts.

Guidelines for Media Portrayals of Individuals Affected by Obesity
The way that obesity, weight loss, and weight maintenance are portrayed, described, and framed by the media profoundly shapes the public’s understanding and attitudes toward obesity and individuals affected by this disease. The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), along with The Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, The Obesity Society (TOS), the Obesity Medicine Association (OMA), and the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) have developed guidelines aiming to ensure that all people are represented equitably and accurately in journalistic reporting about obesity and obesity-related topics. Additionally, the OAC offers a free stock image gallery of bias-free images to reduce weight bias by refocusing the perception of obesity and changing the way individuals with obesity are portrayed in the media.
Conference Media Coverage
Working journalists who are interested in reporting on OMA events, including conferences, awards ceremonies, or Obesity Medicine Fundamentals courses, may be eligible to attend those events at no cost by sending a written request for press credentials. All requests for media pass credentials will be granted on an individual basis, taking into consideration the purpose of the event; the media outlet’s editorial focus, influence, and reach; the subject matter and extent of the planned coverage; and the degree to which media attendance will impact event operations and/or the experience and participation of event attendees. Read the full Media Policy prior to submitting your request. Fill out the form below to request your media pass.